Prof. Dr. Niels Gutschow
Niels Gutschow, born in 1941 in Hamburg as the son of an
architect, first came to Nepal in 1962. He studied architecture in Darmstadt and returned to
Bhaktapur in 1971 as a member of a team to restore the Pujarimath.
During the 1970s his
focused on Urban Space and Ritual; later he shifted toward architectural surveys which
materialised in two major publications (among many others),
'The Nepalese Caitya: 1500
Buddhist Votive Architecture in the Kathmandu Valley' (1997) and 'Architecture of the Newars: A
History of Building Typologies and Details in Nepal' (2011).
For three decades, Niels
residences in Tahaja (near Bhaktapur) and Abtsteinach (Germany). Since 2003, he has been an
Honorary Professor at the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University. He supported the
project in its formative years as the head of the architectural documentation team.