Gaḥ Hiti at Ipā, Sankhu

Curated by Rajan Khatiwoda

Gaḥ Hiti at Ipā, Sankhu
Gaḥ Hiti, view from W, photo by Yogesh Budathoki, 2022

Gaḥ Hiti (DANAM ID: SKH0262), characterized by a single spout with meager water flow, shows signs of neglect and limited use, as reported by local residents. The hiti remained in a dilapidated state for decades until the community took action, prompting Shankharapur Municipality to renovate it in 2018 CE. Atop the spout, a śivaliṅga is accompanied by a stone statue of Nandī, Śiva's vāhana. Historically, the hiti housed an 8th-9th-century stone caturvyūha statue, resembling a cylindrical shaft with carvings of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva, and Ardhanārīśvara on its four directions. Regrettably, this statue was stolen in 1985 CE. Adjacent to the hiti, a collapsed phalcā is yet to be rebuilt. The broader context reveals the plight of various water structures in the Kathmandu Valley, spanning from pre-medieval to pre-modern times, facing deterioration and potential disappearance without active preservation efforts. For more details about Gaḥ Hiti, refer to the DANAM entry here.