Title: Kathmandu University Students Explore NHDP's Heritage Preservation Efforts

On September 17, 2023, the NHDP's Patan office welcomed a group of enthusiastic students and professors from Kathmandu University's Department of Art and Design. Led by Bharat Maharjan, our dedicated local project coordinator, the day was filled with enlightening discussions and exciting prospects. The highlight of the day was a round table discussion on the scientific methodologies employed by the NHDP for heritage documentation. The Kathmandu University students were keen to explore the realm of digital preservation and its invaluable role in safeguarding cultural heritage. What truly left an indelible impression on the students was the NHDP's DANAM app, thoughtfully designed heritage walks, and the project's heritage focus areas. In fact, their curiosity was piqued to the extent that they expressed a strong interest in joining a heritage walk with NHDP members—an arrangement that is already in the works for the near future. In addition to fostering academic curiosity, the visit also sparked conversations on potential collaborations. NHDP and Kathmandu University are exploring ways to engage students in NHDP's activities, creating a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge. The students stand to gain valuable insights from NHDP's seasoned in-situ team, further enriching their educational experience. Excitingly, a follow-up meeting has been scheduled for October, solidifying the commitment to this budding partnership. This heartening interaction between a local institution and young academics reflects a growing awareness and dedication to the vital cause of global heritage preservation.