Viṣṇuvikrānta Shrine at Paśupati

Curated by Rajan Khatiwoda

Viṣṇuvikrānta Shrine at Paśupati
Photo by Pankaj Nakarmi, 2024

Viṣṇuvikrānta is a form of Viṣṇu depicted taking three strides, symbolizing the encompassing of the three worlds. Established by King Mānadeva in the 5th century, the statue of Viṣṇuvikrānta (DANAM ID: PPK0430) currently remains neglected in the open. Once part of a grand temple, the statue has now (as of February 2024) been placed inside a concrete west-facing niche just below a narrow path around the makeshift huts built west of the southeastern entrance to the Paśupati area. On the same day, King Mānadeva established two similar statues in two different locations, both in the name of his mother, who is not otherwise featured in any other installations after these two. This suggests that he erected these statues after the death of his mothe. Although the inscription on the statue mentions the construction of a grand temple, no such temple remains in the vicinity. For more detailed information, please visit our database.