Inscription Datasets also available on Documenta Nepalica

As part of the pilot project “Anthropology of Inscriptions: Memory and Cultural Heritage in the Public Sphere” (HCTS/Flagship Initiative “Transforming Cultural Heritage”) the first batch of inscription catalogue entries from DANAM was successfully integrated within the Documenta Nepalica database of the Research Unit “Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal” (Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities). The dataset of 137 inscriptions from around 60 monuments (recognizable by the identifier “NHDP”) can now be explored within a catalogue containing more than 60.000 entries from public and private archives of Nepal. From now on, the inscription catalogue entries will be transferred regularly. The transfer is part of a larger endeavour of both projects to interrelate their databases. This will enable more dynamic and interdisciplinary queries to Nepal’s textual, art historical and intangible heritage. The Documenta Nepalica catalogue search can be accessed here: